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Customers are listed in their chronological order according to periods of solutions implementation or according to periods of advisory and consulting services provision.

Košický samosprávny kraj (KSK) / Košice Self Government Region
Process analysis of KSK authority for purposes of a new organizational order preparation;
Implementation period: From the 4th quarter of 2008 until the 1st quarter of 2009;

Košický samosprávny kraj (KSK) / Košice Self Government Region
Process analysis and elaboration of process model of technical preparation and capital investment implementation;
Implementation period: The 2nd and 3rd quarter of 2008;

Novitech a.s., Slovenská asociácia procesného riadenia (SAPRIA) / Slovak Association of Business Process Management, Spoločnosť pre projektové riadenie (SPPR) / Company for Project Management
Organizing Business Process Management Workshop focusing on "Effective Procedures and Methods of Continuous Company Growth", taking place at the TeleDom Hotel, Timonova Street 27, Košice;
Implementation period: 3/18/2008 - 3/19/2008;

Daňové riaditeľstvo Slovenskej republiky / Tax Head Office of Slovak Republic
Process analysis of economic activities of Tax Head Office of Slovak Republic; sub-delivery for pFlow, Ltd.;
Implementation period: The 3rd quarter of 2007;

Ministerstvo školstva SR / Slovak Ministry of Education
Preparing the process map of Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic; sub-delivery for Novitech a.s. (Activities related to the project implementation);
Implementation period: The 3rd to 4th quarter of 2007;

Tepláreň Košice, a.s. (TEKO, a.s.) / TEKO, a.s. (Heating and Power Plant)
Process audit and preparation of proposal for reengineering processes of TEKO, a.s. Company; sub-delivery for Novitech a.s. (Managing the project and activities related to the project implementation);
Implementation period: The 2nd quarter of 2007;

Košický samosprávny kraj (KSK) / Košice Self Government Region
Filing service process analysis (Register and archive administration) of KSK authority;
Implementation period: The 1st quarter of 2007;

Dopravný podnik mesta Košice, a.s. / Public City Transport Company of Košice, Inc.
Process audit, process analysis and proposal of process optimization at other sections (Section of General Director and Board of Directors; Economy, Trade and Sales Section; Transportation Section) of the company and a comprehensive process model elaboration;
Implementation period: The 4th quarter of 2006 to the 1st quarter of 2007;

Dopravný podnik mesta Košice, a.s. / Public City Transport Company of Košice, Inc.
Preparing the project for education activities as a part of the call for submission of applications for provision of irrecoverable financial contribution for SECTOR OPERATIONAL PROGRAM HUMAN RESOURCES from European Social Fund;
Implementation period: The 4th quarter of 2006;

Košický samosprávny kraj (KSK) / Košice Self Government Region
Analyzing and mapping "KSK's Web Page Update " project; Process model preparation and optimization;
Implementation period: The 3rd quarter of 2006;

Košický samosprávny kraj (KSK) / Košice Self Government Region
Monitoring operational activities of IT KSK and proposal of optimized IT services process model;
Implementation period: The 3rd quarter of 2006;

Dopravný podnik mesta Košice, a.s. / Public City Transport Company of Košice, Inc.
Process audit, process analysis and proposal for Company Technology and Investments Section processes optimization;
Implementation period: The 2nd quarter of 2006;

Prefabetón Koš, a.s. / Prefabetón Koš, Inc.
Process analysis and preparation of the final concept (Business Blueprint) of SAP Business One (SBO) software suite implementation for Prefabetón Koš, a.s. Company; sub-delivery for COLUMBEX INTERNATIONAL, a.s.
Implementation period: 2005;

Process analysis and preparation of the final concept (Business Blueprint) of SAP Business One (SBO) software suite implementation for VINANZA, a.s., Company headquartered in Vráble; sub-delivery for COLUMBEX INTERNATIONAL, a.s.
Implementation period: 2005;

Konštrukta-Industry, a.s. / Konštrukta-Industry, Inc.
Initial training related to Process management area; software tool-related training for process modeling - QPR ProcessGuide. Advisory and consulting services for preparation of the process model of the company and for such model optimization; Implementing Activity Based Costing (ABC) Method - Pilot project;
Implementation period: 2004-2005;

Nemocnica s poliklinikou / Hospital and Health Center, Topoľčany
Initial training for Process Management area; software tool-related training for process modeling - QPR ProcessGuide;
Implementation period: 2004;

Slovenská pošta, š. p. / Slovak Post, State enterprise
Balanced Scorecard-related initial training organized for the top management and consulting services in the field of Balanced Scorecard model of Slovenská pošta Company preparation; sub-delivery for Novitech a.s.
Implementation period: 2004;

Telegrafia, a.s. / Telegrafia Inc.
Balanced Scorecard-related initial training organized for the top management; solution proposal and implementation of "Introducing Balanced Scorecard at Telegrafia, a.s. Company" project; sub-delivery for Novitech a.s.
Implementation period: 2004-2005;

Alcatel Slovakia, a.s. / Alcatel Slovakia, Inc.
BPM-related initial training organized for the top management and advisory services for the company process model preparation; sub-delivery for Novitech a.s.
Implementation period: 2003;

GiTy, a.s. and GiTy-Slovensko, a.s. / GiTy, Inc. and GiTy-Slovakia, Inc.
BPM-related initial training (Process management, Activity Based Costing, Balanced Scorecard) and consulting services for the company process model preparation; sub-delivery for Novitech a.s.
Implementation period: 2003-2004;

PosAm Bratislava, s.r.o. / PosAm Bratislava, Ltd.
Consulting services related to Balanced Scorecard model proposal and to selection of a suitable software tool for the solution stated; sub-delivery for Novitech a.s.
Implementation period: 2003-2004;

CE WOOD, a.s. / CE WOOD, Inc. (Zlín, Czech Republic)
Training related to Balanced Scorecard methodology and consulting services related to Balanced Scorecard model proposal; sub-delivery for Novitech a.s.
Implementation period: 2002-2003


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